A review by yenteb
Kiss Kiss Fang Fang by Penelope Bloom



I admit I was probably not the right audience for this book. I usually despise romcom movies finding them stupidly unrealistic with shallow characters. But this book popped up in my recommendations and I thought maybe it would be better in book form?
I was wrong. It has the exact same problems the movies have as well and the plot holes in the “story”, if you can call it that, are huge. For example the Lucian has been asleep long enough to not be able to use a modern gun but he apparently has a bank account that he somehow, despite it being inactive for so long still has no problem accessing. There are many other problems that are just glossed over for the sake of the romance. Which I could overlook if said romance was interesting but really there didn’t seem to be anything holding them together except for the bond, I didn’t feel any real chemistry between them. And finally there was Vlad. I thought he was supposed to be Vlad the Impaler (He always talks about wanting to torture humans) but then he suddenly talks about how he used to be a prostitute. It was confusing. And he just wasn’t funny to me.
Again I’m probably the wrong audience for this type of book. If you’re looking for a sweet romance to swoon to, this book might be right for you. For me I need the plot around the romance to make some sense I can’t help but see the plot holes.