A review by timinbc
Carpe Jugulum by Terry Pratchett


Re-read after many years; I was thrilled to have forgotten most of it. What a pleasure it was to rediscover it!

I particularly liked the presentation of the vampyres as a modern sitcom family, squabbling about modernity. Also the amount of time it mutht have taken to compothe the paththageth with Igor; they were thuperb. I kept hoping he'd want to make thauthageth with thome thaththafrath ...

As it happens I had just re-read Lords and Ladies in which Granny borrows a bunch of bees, so it was interesting to see what she did in this book to defeat the apparently-unbeatable enemy.

I thought it a bit odd that that Feegles' talk was nearly incomprehensible. I've had no trouble understanding it in the many other books they're in.

And I especially liked the bit at the end where Oats said something like "wherever I look I see something holy," and Granny quietly replied, "That's a start, then."