A review by kristinalh
Little Disasters by Sarah Vaughan


" 'She isn't as I remember. This isn't the Janet we knew.' And I nod. Her power has gone."

"A smile splits her face, and her laughter rises, fat and iridescent as soap bubbles. It's contagious, and soon we are all laughing for no real reason at all. Or maybe there is...This is it, I realize. This. Is. It. And then I see my mother, alone with a screaming baby, and I wish she had had someone to connect with; someone to confide in about the lows of motherhood that weighed her down so that she never felt this lighthearted, this joyful..."

"And I want to remind us all to cherish this. These highs of motherhood that sustain us; that buoy us up when we're exhausted, or anxious, or it all feels like a bit of a struggle: these perfect, necessary moments."

This book follows the story of a woman who's daughter (10 months old) is brought to the ER, only to discover that she has a skull fracture. Between getting investigated for child endangerment, other family drama and twists involving friends, this book had a lot going on. It was worth reading, though I was not satisfied by the ending.