A review by aceartemis7
The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman


The story is a little confusing at first. It started off in the "real world", and then it does a flashback of the main character's childhood that sort of might be fantasy?
It makes me wonder if this whole book was a metaphor somehow or a euphemism because the child main character didn't understand what was going on.
It is still a good story (if it happened the way it was written). And from Gaiman interviews, it looks like the Hempstock family did make appearances in his other works...
It's a very imaginative story, what if the world was created like this? What if things are not what it seems? What if there were multiple worlds in this universe? Maybe there were these Hempstock guardians taking care of it all... very intriguing story. The way it was written, in a child's perspective is also great. You can read the wonders as he felt it at the time.