A review by thisnursereads
The Inadequate Heir by Danielle L. Jensen


⭐️ 4.75

Danielle Jensen's characters are so easy to love and once again, I have fallen...
“I do want to remake the world so that I can be with you. So that I can get down on my knees and ask you to be my wife. So that I can put a crown on your head and make you my queen. So I can build a shrine and worship you as my goddess. I want all of these things, yet I face a future with none of them, and I don't know whether I want to fall on my own blade or burn everything to ash because I do not want to let you go.”

This book runs parallel to [b:The Traitor Queen|50719471|The Traitor Queen (The Bridge Kingdom, #2)|Danielle L. Jensen|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1599853320l/50719471._SY75_.jpg|60177252] but with a different perspective. Instead of following Aren and Lara, RIP to their POV novels being completed, we are taken on an adventure through the eyes of Keris Veliant-heir to the throne of Maridrina and son of King Silas Veliant-and Zarrah Anaphora, respected general and niece to the Empress of Valcotta.

Zarrah is stationed in the city of Nerastis, planning to lead her people to victory in The Endless War. She is driven by hate, vengeance and trauma, and god-willing she will not rest until every last Maridrinian has died at her blade. When the empress demands that they hold on their plans to attack, Zarrah decides to sneak across the river into Maridrinian territory and kill the crown prince stationed on the other side...

Keris never wanted this life. If it were up to him he'd be up North with his head in a book far away from his father and the war. Of course, it doesn't matter what he wants and instead he is forced to be as close to it all as possible, stuck in Nerastis with the smell of booze, death and dirt. That is until he sees a beautiful women in the streets...

Zarrah's plan does not go smoothly and she runs into an anonymous Maridrinian, with golden locks and handsome features. There is something about him she cannot resist and as they continue to meetup in secret, she begins to question everything she held true.

Hence begins an affair built off of dreams. But as their relations turn to passion, a mistake is made and identities revealed! A capture is made! Zarrah is taken to Maridrina and must rely on her sworn enemy to survive. Will she continue to listen to her head or learn to lead with her heart?
This continues to be a favorite fantasy series of mine! It checks off so many boxes and the character development is so beautifully done.

Although I fell hard for Aren, Keris is the antihero you want to root for in the end. He is a master of swoon worthy words and his actions hold true. He is devilishly intelligent, brooding and