A review by jordanian_reads_
Brother & Sister Enter the Forest by Richard Mirabella


I read Brother & Sister Enter the Forest in two days: one day in January and one day in March. The fact that 6 weeks passed between these two days is in part testament to my crazy schedule but also indicative of how much this novel affected me. I needed to be in a good headspace before I felt prepared dive back into this heartbreaking and moving story.

This litfic novel includes trauma and shocking acts of violence, but also explores the prosaic dysfunction between brother and sister, mother and son. Anyone who has a fraught relationship with a loved one will relate to the pained ties between Willa, Justin and their mother.

Mirabella skillfully weaves two timelines together, combining a queer coming of age tale with a story of adult siblings struggling to heal and actualize themselves - this second, "coming of adulthood" narrative really resonated with me as a millennial. Raw, poignant, and compelling- this is a story that will stick with me for a long time.

Thank you to Catapult and Edelweiss for the ARC. Brother & Sister Enter the Forest is out now.