A review by beautifullybookishbethany
Reconstructing the Gospel: Finding Freedom from Slaveholder Religion by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove


Actual Rating: 3.5 stars

Reconstructing the Gospel tackles critical issues at the intersection of race and the church, through American history to the present day. It challenges long held beliefs about how American Christians "should" vote and meaningfully deconstructs the (often problematic) role of the church through history in slavery, segregation, and latter forms of injustice.

In a nutshell, this had a lot of amazing nuggets and deeply thought-provoking passages, but a writing style that tends to be meandering, is generally more theoretical than practical, and sometimes lacks clarity. I think it's well worth reading, but it is clear that the author is more of a preacher than a writer. I would have liked to see a more streamlined narrative structure and a stronger emphasis on what readers can practically do, but I still think this is doing very important work.