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A review by nhnabass
The Daughter of Doctor Moreau by Silvia Moreno-Garcia


This was an interesting twist on a sci-fi classic. I like the way the perspectives shifted between our two main characters, it provided a significant amount of tension around the main storyline that brewed and brewed.

I found myself engrossed in the story and the characters and what was truly going on for most of the book. As the reader, we quickly catch onto Carlota's naïveté by watching the world through Mr. Laughton's perspective and piecing together the background story that was clearly meant to be hidden from her. Interestingly enough, I found myself losing interest as the story "picks up" action. The last 75-100 pages or so pick up the pace as the story quickly climaxes and consequences are taking place-- yet I found myself less and less interested in the situations that befell the characters as the story came to an end. I wonder if it is the slow burning story telling that gets forgone closer to the end or simply a story that just should have ended 100 pages sooner, but either was it was disappointing given the grip the beginning of the story had on me.

Overall, the pacing and the beautiful imagery of the jungle paired with the historical context really added depth to this classic retelling. I probably wouldn't pick it up again, but it was quick and interesting enough that I would consider it a decent read.