A review by katkinney
Entheóphage by Drema Deòraich


I devoured ENTHEOPHAGE in two days. This is a really well written work of sci fi climate fiction featuring three main protagonists. Dr. Isabel Fallon is a doctor mining coral reefs in the South Pacific because she has learned that the coral can be used to create a cure for Milani Syndrome (something similar to Huntington’s that affects children—and is affecting her 5-year-old child.) Kyndra is a young girl in Austin, Texas who is one of the first children to fall ill from a strange new epidemic. As the disease spreads across the globe and only children fall ill, scientists and doctors are desperate to discover what is causing the illness. And finally Nadine is a CDC researcher who thinks she may have put the pieces together, and the answer is more shocking than anyone will be able to accept. I loved the writing in this book. It was well paced, there was a mix of science with the medical end of things being very well done and sci fi with children with new emerging psychic powers. I loved the heightened sense of urgency and panic, both from the doctors and parents treating the epidemic, and also I could, even as I watched Isabel doing the wrong thing, sympathize with her actions, because what mother wouldn’t do what she was doing. She says at one point, she had to make a choice between her son’s life or a fish, and of course she chose her son. I thought that was extremely well written. This was an excellent novel. I can’t wait to see what Drema Deoraich writes next! 5/5 stars.