A review by bitchinbookclubb
The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams


Check on my full review on instagram at @bitchinbookclub_

I definitely did not stay until until 4am reading this in one sitting... ok yes I did. But it just got me hooked!!! It reminded me of a more light hearted version of “All your Perfects” by CoHo. I loved following Thea and Gavin, the most perfect imperfect couple. Gavin was clueless and made dumb boy mistakes but you loved him anyway and Thea was the perfect mix of trying to protect yourself while learning to be vulnerable too. It was so nice to show that marriage is not always an easy path but can be worth fighting for. This book was definitely cheesy and I rolled my eyes several times (so much 18th century “curse words” I could live without knowing) but I really live for cheesy romantic shit okay!! Sue me. I also loved the pace of this story. There was never a side story to subtract or a wasted page that I wanted to skim which I LOVE out of romance books. I can’t wait to read the next two books in this series!