A review by michelleheegaard
99 Keys to a Creative Life: Spiritual, Intuitive, and Awareness Practices for Personal Fulfillment by Melissa Harris


I recieved this as an E-ARC from Netgalley in return of an honest review;
Melissa Harris offers great ways on how to restore crativity in your life. I read this at a time in my life, where I could really need this.
Harris made me understand that being creative is not just to draw pretty pictures. Creativity is so much more and bigger than just that. Creativity is a lifestyle. It is way of living and way of looking at the world.
SOme of the keys you already now and may already do, but you might not realize exactly what positive effect it gives in your life.
You can either read this from A-Z og jump around as you want. It is up to you and you can always look back on some of the keys.
This book I believe can be of great use not just adults but for children and elderly people aswell. In fact, anyone who wants a little creativity in their life, can benifit from this.