A review by amym84
Wait for Dusk by Jocelynn Drake


This is more like 4.5 for me.

Wait for Dusk picks up right after [b:Pray for Dawn|6973574|Pray for Dawn (Dark Days, #4)|Jocelynn Drake|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1263623734s/6973574.jpg|7213630]. At the very end of Pray for Dawn, Mira was taken by some unknown entity. Well at the opening of Wait for Dusk we discover that it was Mira's father that took her. More appropriately would be to call him her sire as he wasn't the actual person to raise Mira just impregnate her mother. He calls himself "Nick" which basically points us directly to Satan as being Mira's biological father. He wants her to start living up to her full potential otherwise he will deem her a waste and use her in order to conceive a more willing progeny. When he says live up to her potential he means the fact that Mira (who to this point is able to be used by both Jabari and Danaus) can turn that power around and use the other two instead. Nick wants Mira to hone this skill. He leaves at that with the threat that he's keeping an eye on her.

Mira in turn is summoned to Venice to appear before the coven and be acknowledged in her new role as Elder. First she needs to take care of the backlash of the bori attack. Mainly, Tristan. Surprisingly Tristan has survived so Mira secures his continued existence and leaves for Italy.

Upon arrival in Italy it is decided (in what Mira obviously recognizes as a trap) that Mira will head to Budapest in order to dispatch some naturi that have taken residence there. So here begins the major plot of Wait for Dusk.

Obviously there was a lot to tie up before we could start the main plot of this book, but nothing is ever forgotten in this world and previous actions can always come back into play. I really liked the mystery behind Wait for Dusk. Mira knew from the beginning that she was being set up, and I liked how Jocelynn Drake weaves us around Budapest from one twist to another until Mira has it all pieced together.

I liked the fluidity with how Mira and Danaus decided on their relationship. It was basically just a next step in something that had been building throughout the series thus far, but I liked that they still had reservations being that they come from two different sides. I liked the moments where we got to see Mira's vulnerability with this new relationship and learned more about her past in consequence. We learn that Mira has the ability to form strong attachments in romantic relationships which almost contrasts with her tough, uncaring exterior that she likes to exude to everyone else.

However, Jocelynn Drake started something when she switched to Danaus's point of view for Pray for Dawn, and here we've switched back to being only Mira's point of view. I would have liked the book to switch back between the two just in certain moments. I did like have Mira as the narrator again and between the two I like Mira's voice better, but I figure that since Drake already started this she could have kept up with a few scenes of Danaus's POV just to really get in his mind to figure out what he's thinking.

There is only one book left in the series [b:Burn the Night|8500408|Burn the Night (Dark Days, #6)|Jocelynn Drake|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1293816506s/8500408.jpg|13366290]. Mira is put through so much again and again and this last book leaves a lot up in the air. There's the naturi threat looming on the horizon, there's Nick, and from the beginning there have always been other vampires (namely Jabari) that want Mira dead. I just want her to finally find some peace and quiet. I guess we'll see what's in store. Until Then!