A review by rainydaywriter217b2
Celtic Gods, Celtic Goddesses by R.J. Stewart


This is a great introduction to the gods and goddesses of the Celts. Stewart doesn't shy away from mentioning that historical evidence cannot completely confirm our suspicions when it comes to these gods. So much of what we "know" about them is second-hand, passed through the Romans and monks seeking to preserve some aspect of the older culture. I appreciate the extra step that Stewart takes in his analysis, speaking of the cycles of life as the Celts would have seen them, and what the worship of these gods *means*, what it says about the people and their culture and their land.

This book hit the right balance for me between historical reference, critical analysis, and theoretical musings. I'm curious to read more of Stewart's work, as the writing is approachable and easy to take in.

This and other reviews by me can be found at www.annaimber.com