A review by aboutthatstory
Hard as You Can by Laura Kaye


Romance, mystery, and intrigue! I loved it all!

I thought the story was laid out great. Crystal and Shane's first meeting overlap with the first book a bit so it’s a continuation with new starring players. I was immediately pulled right back into the story.

Chrystal has lived a rough life and is in a bad place. No matter what crap was thrown at her, she stayed strong, doing what she had to do to to make it. She has suffered so much torment and yet was still in survival mode and so determined. I thought I liked Shane in book one but I was wrong, he is amazing in this book. Oh man, I need a Shane McCallan in my life! Sweet, southern boy with sexy charm – such a genuine guy! Shane had his own demons too and learning about both of their pasts was heart wrenching. The attraction that Shane and Chrystal have is undeniable, they are perfect for each other. I love how it all played out and how they're story together unfolded. There were so many great moments that balanced between sincere, emotional, and sexy.

As far as the overall story that will continue into the next book, more of the mystery introduced in book one (Hard As It Gets) was revealed, and more questions arose. A few new characters and allies were introduced and I just love the depth and complexity of this story. There is just so much going on. Everything is written in such detail, it's like I could see parts playing out in my head (I vote for these books to be made into movies!). I liked that we got to see more of Nick and Becca, Jeremy (I want to steal his t-shirt collection), and the other men from the special forces team. The guys have such great comradery. There was even an emotional man moment that tugged at my heart and brought tears to my eyes. I have such a feel for their personalities, they are all strong, determined, likable guys. I want them all to have their own stories because every new bit of information I learn makes me just want more. I hope Marz is next! ;-)

This book had an action packed ending and my heart was beating a mile a minute. There was so much drama and my anxiety level was up. Just like the first book, there is closure, but it's a series so more questions remain in the story as a whole but I was definitely left feeling more than satisfied. I can't wait to see what the next book brings.

Just to add, the important scenes from book one are touched upon in this story so I feel like you could read this without reading book one and you wouldn't be lost (but read book one because it was fantastic too!).

Fantastic read!!!

ARC provided by Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.