A review by msonion
The Hollow by Agatha Christie


Read for Read Christie 2021 Challenge. Yes I'm aware I was a bit behind on finishing it mid-February. I was going to read Agatha Christie chronologically last year but halted in order to do this challenge. This one is the first Hercule Poirot I read that doesn't feature Hastings (last one was [b:The Murder on the Links|6392944|The Murder on the Links (Hercule Poirot, #2)|Agatha Christie|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1327933709l/6392944._SX50_.jpg|625995] and I definitely did not enjoy his presence). I like how this one is written in multi perspectives of all the suspects as well as Hercule Poirot himself, instead of only one narrator telling the story like in Agatha's earlier books.

TBH I did not like John Christow's character from the start. Henrietta Savernake can say all the good things about him but he's still a man who cheated on the wife that he married as an overcorrection from his previous relationship. Henrietta's character kinda confused me as well. As an independent and intelligent woman who works as a sculptor for a living, she sure did put herself really low in front of her lover. The love story between Midge and Edward is kinda nice tho.