A review by sandiet
Please Don't Sit on My Bed in Your Outside Clothes by Phoebe Robinson


I borrowed this audiobook from Libby simply on the strength of the title. This was a mantra I heard from elders all around me growing up. We had outside clothes and inside clothes and those outside clothes did NOT go on your bed LOL. We had a lot of rules which for the most part I have adhered to all these years later; do NOT walk through the house with your shoes, don't put your purse on the floor. etc etc etc. Those are the ones that come immediately to mind, but I know there were more!
Full disclosure, I had no idea who Phoebe Robinson was before I stumbled upon this book nor am I likely to seek out anything further about her, the book didn't pique my interest enough. I skipped through some sections but for the most part I'd say I listened to probably about 75% of it. Too many cultural references, and over explaining jokes. If you have to explain a joke, the "joke" has failed. I didn't like her narration (she sing songs) and the mispronunciation of some words was irritating. I will admit some of it was interesting, especially the last chapter about 4C hair and Black women's struggle to accept their natural hair texture and resist what society's idea of what "good" hair is.
I'm sure this will appeal to some people, I'm just not one of them.
I can't recommend unless you like rambling stories, comedy, name dropping, and overuse of cultural references.