A review by bridgit
Beautifully Broken by Laura Lee


I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review on NetGalley. Thank you for letting me read it!

Well, I'm in trouble when it comes to rating this book. I decided to give 4 stars because all in all, I liked the story, even though I rolled my eyes at some points.
When I read a non-fantasy book, I expect it to be realistic. And honestly, it wasn't exactly. Kat lives in a small town, where everyone knows everyone. In a place like that, everyone is aware if someone new moves in town. And everyone knows if a new teacher comes to school. Still, Kat doesn't have any idea about the new guy when she meets Gavin for the first time. And then during the story, no one notices the scandalous troublemaker's car in front of one of her teachers house. They show up public places together - and never get caught. They interlace their little fingers IN SCHOOL, where anyone could've seen them from the class. Even for a second, but still. Seriously, they were practically screaming for getting caught.
Hailey's pregnancy and the outcome... I've seen that coming from a mile.
I liked the character development in Kat's case, tho - and Dylan's, too.
What can I say... I don't know why but I'm a sucker for student-teacher romances, I've always been. So I quite like to read stories about the subject, and I liked this one, too.