A review by xobooktrovert
Rebellion by Nora Roberts



Before I jump into this review, I have to say that I am not big into historical romances. So why did I read this you ask? Because I have read part of another book in the MacGregors series and loved it. I wanted to start from the very beginning. Was that a mistake on my part? I don’t know. Possibly? Maybe I should have started in the order of publication rather than chronological order. Maybe it would have made me feel more for the main characters – other than annoyed and frustrated. (I was waaay more invested in the supporting characters than the love birds.) Or just maybe, it was just destined for me not to like this book. *shrugs*

Serena MacGregor is a fiery, unique lass. She had all the makings of a kick-ass, fearless protagonist until you realize that she is just really insecure of her feelings and uses anger to scare men away. While that quality is relatable and understandable, considering what happened to her mother, it’s extremely overdone. I was only 30% into the book when I decided that Katy Perry’s song “Hot N Cold” was her theme song.

Brigham Langston is the uppity Englishman with Scottish ties who just loves our heroine – even when she turns him down. CONSTANTLY. It was rather refreshing to see the guy chase after the girl for once; however, I really wanted to scream at him to stop being so handsy. It is not attractive when a man paws at a woman without her consent. I just imagine him running after Serena like:

Oh, and I realize that this takes place in the 1700s and women were looked at as possessions more so than partners, but this is a romance novel! There needs to be a slow burn, the gradual building of their relationship to fully satisfy the readers… or me. I’m not proud of to say that I skimmed through the second half of this book. #justkeepskimming

I really hope NR can redeem herself with the next installment of this series.