A review by eesh25
The Serpent's Shadow by Rick Riordan


Most of this book is good. I wasn't as invested as I'd have liked but I enjoyed it. I just had one big issue that took up a significant part of the book and really annoyed me but everything else worked. I liked the story, the writing, of course was great, and I liked how the climax went down. The book is well-paced, fun and learning about Egyptian mythology is a great.

So... the problem. I don't like Sadie's love life. Primarily because I don't think she needs one. It's one thing for her to have a crush, but a love triangle? She's thirteen! And even if I could justify the whole 5000-year-old boy god thing, I again have to ask why. I know Riordan likes (though he's gotten better about it) to have romances for his characters, but most of Sadie's story in this book seems to be about Walt and Anubis. She's never really grown on me as a character anyway, and this didn't help. Though my reason for not liking her much is that condescending little sister is half her personality. And with Carter being so sweet, her behaviour feels like bullying.

Carter's own story was good. He and Zia were handled better and didn't take up nearly as much page-time. My overall feelings about this book are somewhere between good and decent. There's not really much enthusiasm there, except maybe for the mythology. I remember liking the first two books. Maybe I just waited too long to read this one.