A review by haletostilinski1
Boy Next Door by A.E. Wasp


I had been waiting to read Joey and Liam's story ever since the short story that came out at Christmas, because what little we got of these two together was hot, there was chemistry, and I wanted to see where their story went.

For the most part, this didn't disappoint. Joey and Liam still had sizzling hot chemistry, and I loved their interactions and seeing them fall in love. They had a ways to go before their happy ending, but overall it was a fun journey getting there.

A few things bothered me though - like how Michelle's cheating was mostly waved away. She admitted how wrong she was and how she could have left, which was good, but when she and Liam finally had one on one talk, it felt like it turned into a "everything Liam did wrong" show, and not much on her faults, which was cheating - even if she loves Nico - instead of talking to Liam about anything. But sure, Liam was a shitty boyfriend so...it's mostly his fault? Nah.

I mean I'm glad his faults weren't waved away either, and that he apologized for how he treated her. But it felt like what Michelle did didn't matter as much, and all was a-okay. What she did was not okay. (Not that she deservers her family being horrible to her either.) I just wish just as much weight had been given to what Michelle did as Liam. It felt like Liam not only outright forgave her, but put the majority of the blame on himself. Being inattentive and not as caring as you should - not good, yeah, but not deserving of being cheated on. There's a thing called breaking up with someone.

Also, something happens later in the book -
SpoilerAfter Joey and Liam have sex - and spanking happens - Liam writes something on Joey's ass, which Patrick, Liam's youngest brother, takes a picture of and then sends to the wrong people, and it gets out to a few of the team, and almost the world, if hadn't been quickly contained
- and I hate how Patrick barely faced any consequences. He seemed to feel guilty for two seconds, apologized a few times (not a million, Patrick, you asshole) and then got on Liam's case for being embarrassed/not wanting his and Joey's relationship to go public, and for letting Joey seem to kind, maybe, break up with him? (even though he didn't).

And Liam once again goes "he's right, I'm wrong" when NO. Patrick not only violated their privacy, but he didn't
Spoilerdelete the photo
when Liam told him to and sent it to others (when we all know that that shit gets out SO fucking easily) and almost/kinda did out Joey to not only the team, but the world. That is gross and disgusting and Patrick should not have gotten away with it.

I don't care if it was an accident, he shouldn't have taken the picture in the first place, or sent it. He should have known better. That is on him, even if the sharing of the photo isn't, it happened because of him. It pissed me off, and while he was reprimanded, he wasn't reprimanded NEARLY as much as he should have been. I really dislike Patrick after this. Fuck him.

Also, the ending was a tad abrupt and rushed. I know the book was getting long, but there was threads of the story I would have liked to have seen played out in more detail.

So yeah, a few things bothered me, but overall this was a good story and overall I'm happy that I got to read Joey and Liam's story and read about them falling in love and getting their HEA.