A review by kngregory
The Woman With the Cure by Lynn Cullen


3.5 stars

Dorothy Hortsmann; never a household name, but definitely a star in her own right. This book started out really slow and it took me a little while to get into it. About halfway through, the book really started to speed up and I really started appreciating the feminist, determined, strong ideals that were beginning to shine in Dorothy and her dedication to try and help millions. At the end of the novel, I liked how the author made it a point to say although she researched and dove into Dorothy and her story ten-fold, this at the end was a novel and not a biography. This gave a good look at the challenges not only women in general faced through and after world war 2, but especially the mistrust and undermining of some of our most courageous, brilliant, and resilient women.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book by the end, and I’m glad I got through the first half.