A review by lonaargh
Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey

adventurous dark slow-paced


I just finished reading James S.A. Corey's book Leviathan Wakes. And I'm going to be wholly unfair in my rating here, but I disliked it. 
Despite me being unable to put it down at 1 AM on a work night and despite me really wanting to know how it would end. It's not badly written. The plot is original. The characters have depth and make you feel like you care for them. There's zombies! And yet, I deeply and intensely dislike it. 

And I dislike it because apart from all those fun things I just listed, there's also politics. Politics and an annoying tendency to chew out multiple times for the reader what's going on at that point and what the ramifications for certain actions are. And I hate politics. They bore me. Almost as much as hearing the same thing over and over again bores me. I don't want to wade through three pages of uninteresting interplanetary relations, followed by another three pages of (quite frankly disturbing) daydreams one of the main characters has about a girl he has never met or spoken to.

And that's all my personal preference, it in no way means this is a bad book. I definitely rec this book to anyone who loves politics, space and zombies. But I almost definitely won't be picking up the second book in the series.