A review by nellesnightstand
I've Got My Duke to Keep Me Warm by Kelly Bowen


For a debut book Kelly Bowen rocked it! I've read a ton of historical romances and this one definitely had some originality to it! From her quirky, unusual, strong characters to a twisting, diabolical plot that includes situations that resonate with even our modern times, eg. PTSD ,spousal abuse, illegitimacy.
I could tell right away that Gisele was someone I could like! One of my favorite movies is Enough with Jennifer Lopez. I swear I could watch that movie over and over again! I love to read and watch stories about women standing up for themselves, being independent and not taking flack from people!
After surviving marriage to a sadistic Marquess by faking her own death along with that of her stepdaughter, she managed to rally and start a kind of underground system to help other abused women. She has her faithful friends to help her out but then one of them bails (for a great reason!), and she needs another person to serve as a sort of front man.

In rides Jamie or I should say in stumbles Jamie. Giselle and her friend Sebastion are searching for someone who can pose as a gentleman so they can save her husbands’ fiancé from a terrible fate.
Even drop dead drunk, Jamie proves his mettle and Giselle hires him to help her out. Jamie seems like a poor excuse of a man, he’s dirty, scruffy and has been living in the stables. He’s a gentleman to the core though and is highly respectful of women.

I will say you need to give the first few chapters a chance as it starts off rather sporadic but it does pick up a few chapters in. Although it has some serious subjects this book has its funny moments. Jamie and Giselle bring out the best in each other. They both have serious secrets and I felt so heartbroken for Jamie when his came out, but through it all they had passion and laughter to see them through. I am highly anticipating the next novel by Ms. Bowen!

*Jamie is not a Duke as the title suggests. It’s one of the more unusual plot twists that I feel you should learn about in the book!
This review was originally posted on Nelle's NightStand