A review by penny_literaryhoarders
Walt by Russell Wangersky


Wangersky must have spent hours and weeks observing inside a grocery store! Guaranteed I will not be grocery shopping the same ever again. The downright, incredibly astute observations made about the common grocery list, to the way people shop, the differences between the sexes...incredibly observant and written about in an excellent manner.

Walt is the janitor in a grocery store - he collects all those discarded lists and is able to describe the creator of those lists with pinpoint accuracy. Trouble with Walt is that his wife is missing, the police won't leave him alone, another girl has gone missing and yet one more is making frequent calls to the police about feeling that someone has been watching her, been in her home and she can never shake the feeling she is being followed.

While the ending comes to an abrupt, seemingly unresolved finish, this was quite a creepy read! There were times when I was reminded of [b:Martin John|25074204|Martin John|Anakana Schofield|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1440457543s/25074204.jpg|44759433], but Walt is written in a far more linear (and pleasing to me) manner.

I have to go to the grocery store today, and I can honestly tell you I'm quite creeped out by it.

This is also another Bingo square completed for the CBC Books Bingo Challenge! Walt will fill in the Bookie Awards square.