A review by onyerbike
Out of the Frying Pan by Elouise East

DNF @ 20%

I'm checking out now. Firefighter Dean is convinced he can't ever have a relationship because being a firefighter comes with long hours and dangerous conditions. I cannot stand the whole martyr complex in characters. Oh, woe is me, I'm destined to be alone forever because my job is slightly inconvenient to a stress-free relationship! Boo. Hoo. His Commander is married. Many of his colleagues are married. Firefighters the world over have figured out how to have their careers and a family life. Cops, doctors, and military members too. Ffs, you could be a librarian and be killed by a runaway bus on your lunch break one day. Just admit you're scared of commitment and be done with it already. Sheesh.

And I don't even know what Oliver's story is. Busy restaurant owner, bad breakup, yadda yadda. Whatever. Nothing so far has given me anything to get invested in.