A review by bookedupgirl
Upper Bohemia: A Memoir by Hayden Herrera



Herrera is known for her biographies of some of the most famous painters - her Frida Kahlo book was adapted for screens and starred Salma Hayek! In her own memoir, she recounts her chaotic artistic/bohemia childhood. The book is composed of short memories painting a picture of neglectful parents, who were totally self absorbed and focused on leading “a passionate life” above all else. Throughout the book we are taken on a crazy (at times unbelievable!) ride - her parents constant string of new spouses, moving countries/homes countless times; she lived a completely unpredictable, stressful childhood, with some seriously traumatic events. We get a super fast forward glimpse into her adulthood, where she strives to create the home environment she never had for her own children.⁣