A review by xavvyxav
Stay by A.L. Jackson


Ash and Willow are amongst the worst Romance couples. They're not good together and they're honestly pretty sad characters by themselves. Ash is arrogant - to the point where it's overdone and unnecessary. Willow is supposed to be seen as quiet, but strong. She certainly has the quiet part down, but I didn't see a single moment where she could have been considered strong, either mentally or physically. She's a weak-willed person. She fails to keep to her own standards and morals. She's only really 'unique' because she doesn't throw herself at Ash like other women, which if you compare her to Romance heroines in general, she's not unique in this aspect. Additionally, the backstory that links Ash and Willow together is so horribly done. It felt like a cop-out of a backstory. It made no sense and just made it even more confusing that somehow Willow still gets together with Ash in the end.

It also doesn't help that the writing of this book was very strange. There's an overuse of short sentences and both Ash and Willow talk the same way.