A review by hwalk91
Those You Killed by Christopher Badcock


"..take a walk through any forest at night and you’ll see whatever your mind wants you to see out there in the dark. Trees become torsos, branches become limbs.
He’d always thought that was the key to writing good horror: letting your mind wander to places where there was no horror, and finding it there anyway. It was an art, seeing the terrifying that lay beneath the okay."

Elwood is a heroine addict who's found that bottom full of rocks. In an attempt to climb back to the surface and hopefully save his relationship with his daughter, he takes advantage of a lake house owned by his dealer. He plans to stay there as long as it takes to kick the drugs from his system and find some trave of himself. He gets more than he bargains for when he finds the area deserted and stories of murders and missing people are discovered. Then comes the floating, deformed being