A review by yearningforus
Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid


"our parents live inside us, whether they stick around or not."

god where do i start ?!?? malibu rising is my first tjr book and i'm honestly glad it was my first book. most of y'all know i'm a romance book girlie through and through so when i saw that malibu rising is a historical fiction book i was a bit iffy about reading it, ngl.

my reviews (because i read romance books) generally consist of me doing character breakdowns and then pointing out what i liked and disliked in terms of the plot, but for obvious reasons my review will be different this time.

i genuinely enjoyed tjr's writing style. some people may say she's too descriptive and that characters don't have enough dialogue but i loved how we got to read the character's thoughts and what they were so afraid of saying out loud.

i felt incredibly bad for the riva siblings. maybe it's because i've dealt with absent father figures (he's present but not emotionally) and alcoholism is something that runs in my family sadly. maybe it's because i'm an older sister who wants to protect my younger siblings that i cried for nina. maybe it's because i'm a hot head that i loved kit and how she slowly started speaking up for herself. maybe it's because i'm so close to my brother that i saw ourselves in jay and hud. maybe it's because i also want to be loved that i felt happy for casey.

june. god i truly wish she knew she deserved better than what life had given her. i truly believe she would be proud of her kids and where they are now. i want to blame her for her actions but i know she never wanted to turn out the way she did. she really did try her best to put herself together at the beginning.

mick. i hope he lives a long depressing and lonely life. he doesn't deserve anything and i hope he's reminded of that till the day he dies.

everyone say "fuck mick riva !!!"

overall, malibu rising will have you crying, punching the air and having small "yes !! finally !!!" moments. i definitely recommend this book if you haven't read it. if you have, let me know your thoughts on it !!