A review by ashleysbooknook
Lost in the Dark Unchanted Forest by John R. Erickson


Meh. I read this quickly to see if the series was worth introducing to Kai. It’s fine. I don’t care if he reads it. It’s a fun enough story and I assume the rest of the series is similar. I would suggest reading at least the first one to be introduced to the characters. I jumped straight to this one because that’s what my library had. I was a bit confused about who was who, but it didn’t ruin the book and I figured it out eventually. The writing in this book is fine. Not fine literature, but not embarrassingly simple like some moderns kids books. I was thinking it would be like an older Jack Russell: Dog Detective series, and it kind of is, but there isn’t much mystery to it. The dog finds and rescues the kid who runs away. There isn’t anything to solve or any detective work to do. I found the story boring, but a child may enjoy it enough.