A review by jackirenee
The Witch Is Dead by Shirley Damsgaard


How can you make Ophelia Jensen's life just a little more insane? Add Aunt Dot, who sees fairies, an undercover DEA agent, a pending adoption of her foster daughter tink, and a human skull found in the woods. Yep, Ophelia is once again around for the finding of a dead body.

In this fifth installment of the series, we are introduced to Abby's Aunt Dot, who comes to visti from the Appalachia area in the homes of finding some adventure. Does she ever. This is a wacky, 90 some year old woman who is able to brind some family history to the storyline. She also manages to drive Abby and Ophelia bonkers while stretching even their idea of reality.

We are also delighted to have the return of Cobra, or is that Ethan, and his ability to enjoy Ophelia and all her quirks is very enjoyable.

Like many of Damsgaard's books, the back cover description pretty much gives away the storyline, but it is always fun to see how she is going to get to the end. What will Darci convince Ophelia to do this time? How will Ophelia trip over yet another dead body? Who all will get drug into the mess?

Enjoyable read, great to pick up for some light weekend reading. Perfect for those that enjoy humor, the supernatural, and a good mystery.