A review by jeanne25
Cruelty by Edward Lorn


I just finished this book so I haven't yet fully digested it. The first thing that comes to my mind is that it took me much longer to finish this book than most novels. There was constant action that held my attention but I only seemed to be able to read it sections. In many books I find a significant amount of padding/fluff that has no bearing on the story. This bores me to tears and I generally skim until the author decides to get back to the story. There wasn't anything to skim in Cruelty.
The story grabbed my attention from the start. I have read some every day and for once I really don't care that it took me a month to finish it. The concept of the character Cruelty was visually terrifying. As with all superior novels, that little movie projector ran in my imagination. Maybe that's why I read it slowly, so that it wouldn't over heat? It's the philosophical aspects that I am still contemplating but I can say that I loved this book. Oh and Merlo... I adored that dog. Next time my fur babies are driven (and I do mean driven) to destroy their toys, I am going to wonder... just wonder.