A review by grisostomo_de_las_ovejas
Parliament of Whores: A Lone Humorist Attempts to Explain the Entire U.S. Government by P. J. O'Rourke


Somehow PJ O'Rourke was humorous enough to ingratiate himself to me without me realizing I was giggling alongside libertarian jokes. By the time I realized I was falling into Ron Paul swamp, it was too late. I'd been transmogrified into Ludwig von Mises--bad mustache, crappy philosophy and all.

Well temporarily. After shaking off my giggles I realized I still didn't like libertarianism very much, but I did appreciate the author's libertarian message, which was as follows:

Collectively we (normal people) make pretty stupid decisions. We break stuff, lie, fool ourselves, and then sue people for self-esteem. Worse, we mob together when we do that. When we vote and make laws, that doesn't stop.

True enough, but I still believe we should all have some sort of healthcare and minimum wage, even if that makes me part of the self-interested mob.