A review by akookieforyou
The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening and the Struggle by L.J. Smith


The Awakening: 3 Stars
The Struggle: 4 Stars

“I want him to love me as much as I love him.”

2nd Read 2019
I remember really enjoying these first two books a lot, but I didn't like them quite the same this time around. For one, I preferred The Struggle way more than The Awakening, I think that has to do with how much the story picks up and how we get to spend a lot more time with Damon (who is my favorite character btw, but that largely has to do with the TVD show). I also no longer think that this is the 'absolute-best-vampire-story-in-existence', like I used to when I was 14. I still found these to be a lot of fun to read, for the most part, and I'm curious to see how I'll feel about the other books in this series now.

1st Read 2013
I absolutely loved this! It's so different from the series, but that's not a bad thing. They both offer different perspectives of similar stories. I think I personally prefer the way the series handles things later on, but I love the atmosphere of this one a bit more. Very good, I recommend it to anyone who loves a good vampire story.