A review by sjj169
The Beast of Barcroft by Bill Schweigart


Ben and his fiance buy a bigger house..they just don't realize they are moving next door to this.
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Ben has a few other issues because his fiance has decided to dump him and he is left with his dog and a rat problem from his neighbor's animal hoarding.
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(I hate rats so that's about the scariest I'm going on that one)

Then that same neighbor passes away in her home. Shortly after that some weird stuff starts going on in the neighborhood.
The animal problem is getting worse since the hoarder lady is not around to feed the animals and the neighborhood has gotten together to try and get something done about her house and the critters that it is attracting.
Then Ben is outside and his dog is attacked by a mountain lion in front of Ben's eyes.
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Ben calls out the feisty police lady and she gives him the brush off, because mountain lion in fancy suburbs? Plus Ben admits to flushing his antidepressants and smells like pee. Come on people-I would smell like pee too if I just saw a critter chomping on my dog.
Then some more attacks begin to happen.

Ben finally gets someone to halfway believe him when he teams up with Lindsay, the National zoo's assistant curator for great cats.
Of course, Ben tries to put some moves on her.
"You know who makes a move like that in the woods? After they show you their basement? Serial killers, that's who."
"This isn't the woods, it's a park. With roses in it."
"They're not even in bloom!"

Ben is full of smooth. When he isn't busy on Wikipedia or internet porn watching watching the Discovery channel.
(He is actually pretty snarky and I loved his character.)

The monster finally gets figured out and it's good. Really good but
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Towards the end of this book I kept thinking this would be great as a series. Yes, I know I can't believe I just said that..but it would. Then I look and it's going to be.
Dear author, please keep up the story line that you are starting and pick a better cover. This cover was pretty fugly.

Booksource: Netgalley in exchange for review.

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Mommacat's review is the featured review for this one. I don't catch Mommacat on here much but I love her reviews when I do.