A review by jacqueshol
Deep Sky by Patrick Lee


I thoroughly enjoyed the first book in the series. It was fresh and exciting. The second book, Ghost Country, was okay. I stated in my review that it lacked the punch of the first novel, which is true for Deep Sky too. However, Deep Sky was by far the least enjoyable for me. Towards the end, it just became weird and felt rushed.

The science is science-fiction, which is okay since I am not reading a biography. However, the final few chapters greatly increased the science-fiction and went off in a direction that I did not enjoy. The story ends open-ended and left me high and dry. I wanted to rate Deep Sky 2.5 stars, but when I considered the series overall, I realised that it might be a bit harsh. I generally got enjoyment from reading the series, even though some elements left me a bit disappointed.

Should you read the series? It depends. The Travis Chase series is like vanilla ice cream. Some people don't eat anything else. If you are a vanilla ice cream person, read it. You will have fun. However, I am more of a Woolworths Tin Roof ice cream kind of guy - lots of vanilla, but with nuts and chocolate sauce to make it just a little more interesting.