A review by lesliethewanderlust
Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Mystery and Madness by Edgar Allan Poe


I read this book after reading the Raven. This book consists of four short stories illustrated by Gris Grimly.
The Black Cat- This was one of my favorite stories in the book. It's about a man who has a pet cat that drives him to madness and ultimately to murder.
The Masque of the Red Death - In this story there was a plague killing people at a quick rate and a Prince who didn't want to become one of the dead. He gathered a thousand of his closest friends underground in his castle, where they assumed the plague couldn't reach. They eventually find out that wasn't the case.
Hop-Frog - This was another favorite of mine. It's about a fool who is tired of how his King treats him and his friend, so he comes up with a deadly and clever way to get his revenge.
The Fall of the house of Usher - This was my least favorite story (after Masque), it felt a little long. It was about a man and his sister who lived together in a house that left people feeling uneasy. They were both suffering from some sort of unexplained sickness of the mind. Usher invites a friend over to cheer him up, and his friend observes the madness of Usher first hand.