A review by lauraanne9
Something So Unscripted by Natasha Madison


***ARC Provided by the Author and Enticing Journey Book Promotions***

If this book doesn't make you cry, you need to find a friend and have them check to see if you still have a pulse. There are little moments of joy, of perfection, of heartache all throughout this book. And, I admit it, there were some sniffles.

But, nothing prepared me for the absolute perfection of the last line of the book and for the moment where all was 100% ok. I needed this, I needed the epilogue to let me know that things worked out, that they all got the happy ending they deserved.

In a story about someone who is a parent, you have to make sure there is a relationship with the child, but also there is a romance for the adults...and this romance has to happen with or without the child. Let me explain. I have to believe that they love one another, and this is a relationship they would pursue if the child wasn't part of it.

Zack and Denise meet because Jack is ill and Denise is an oncology doctor. But, what happens is you fall in love with how much they all love one another. Zack loves his son. Denise develops a relationship with Zack, and with his son. And, you believe both of them, as while they are intertwined they are also separate.

While they are all falling in love with one another, you do the same. With the sheer joy that is Jack and his take on life and the people he loves; you love Jack. With the love Zack has for his son, and his willingness to make sure that he doesn't think people like his mother are the only kind of people in the world. You love him for how much he loves Denise, and for how much he just wants her in his life, even though he knows it is asking a lot. You love Denise for her heart, and her strength, and her loyalty. For the fact that she cares about the people she loves. And for the way she defends them against sickness, mean people and evil ex-wives. (We are not talking about Zach's ex here, we just aren't. I don't like her. And, that's all she gets in this review.)

See what I mean? Yes, this is a book about people who are brought together by a child's illness. But, by the end, it is about so much more than that...it's about love, in all it's forms.

Small disclaimer...technically this happens while Zack is waiting for his divorce to be final. But, don't worry...I promise, you won't feel like there is cheating. Also, while this is an interconnected story, it can be read as a standalone. Although, really, you should read the other books in the series.

I absolutely recommend this book. You are going to love it.

***This and other reviews featured on our blog Booked All Night http://bookedallnightblog.com/***