A review by mina17
No Exit by Taylor Adams


This book does not get talked about enough. I’ve seen a couple of times on my fyp and most of it was positive feedback. 

It was fresh and thrilling and full of suspense. Soon as Ashley was revealed to be the culprit, it all went down hill fast. He is a sick piece of shit and damn he pissed me off so much. Poor Lars, I know I shouldn’t pity him but I kind of do. It’s obvious that it’s all Ashley’s idea, everything. 

Sandi deserved to die but not poor Ed, I knew he was innocent and not in this scheme. It was a fun intense movie playing inside my head. I though Darby got killed but no she lived. And I’m so happy she did. She was just so brave and I know it’s a little unrealistic. Anyone would fold during such situations but she did not. 

She protected Jay until the very last moment. What’s so wholesome was how Darby asked her about dinosaurs when she was in extreme pain, trying to distract her from the gore scene in that place. The pinky promise before she lifted her severed pinky to Jay. That was f a little bittersweet.

Overall this book was new and fresh to me. And that’s all that matters, I enjoyed it so much.