A review by missyjohnson
White Ivy by Susie Yang


OMG. No more "reading with Jenna"

A waste of good reading time. Was this trying to be a YA novel? Poorly done all around

Ivy is completely unlikeable, shallow, insipid, and fake. None of the rest of the story background seemed to explain how her personality formed this way except for the petty theft that her Grandmother taught her. That was random

The truth about Gideon was evident early on and then cemented when the monogramed pajamas were mentioned. Ridiculous cliché used.

Roux is another cardboard character. Nothing believable about his story either. The fact that he and Sylvia got together is very far fetched. His story of riches and business success was ridiculous and the the lame descriptors by the author to show his wealth, ick. I especially hated the wooden rice scoop cup that he had gotten from a Tibetan monk. Oh Puleeese.

Scurvy? What was that all about?

The bit at the end about the tranquility of knowing that you could never have family taken away from you. What? How does that fit with any of the rest of the story.

The book club questions at the end of the book described this as a thriller with plot twists and a social commentary as to the "model minority". I don’t know how the thriller descriptor is used because I don’t see that and the social commentary is a bit of a stretch as well. It seemed to me that the author just used generalizations, stereotypes and cliches to describe any minority character and any social pressures were only of their own making. I did not read evidence of where they were expected or required to make any of the choices that they did.