A review by onceandfuturelaura
Marvel: Avengers Assembly: Orientation by Preeti Chhibber


After the teenaged heroes of the Marvelverse destroy a few too many buildings, Captain Marvel and Nick Fury start an afterschool program to teach them things like teamwork, ethics, and interdimensional travel. The course is capped with a decathlon the run in teams. Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl, and Miles Morales team up and boy do they make friends along the way.

The story is told through a combination of graphic art, texts, journal entries, superhero cards, fanfiction, and academic notes. It's laugh out loud funny. Not much in the way of character introduction, but if you know who our heroes and villains are, it's well worth the time.

Professor Lockjaw is AWESOME. And I feel She-Hulk's alarm when she realizes that every member of her class has questions about what they should do when they've 1. saved the day 2. damaged a building and 3. have to get to class. The real quandaries of our time.