A review by annaptobias
An Incurable Case of Love, Vol. 1 by Maki Enjōji


Nanase decides to become a nurse after being inspired by a doctor who helped out an older lady in a medical emergency. She pretty much endured the rigors of nursing school, with the end goal of getting a job at the same hospital where this doctor works, and then the two of them will fall in love, happily ever after, etc etc.

She got part of her dream fulfilled: she ends up in the hospital where Dr. Kairi Tendo works— unfortunately, it turns out he's a total hardass who's tough on nurses in general, and once he finds out she's been pining for him for years, he's especially tough on her and doesn't think she went into nursing/medicine for the right reasons and therefore should quit.

I mean he's not wrong.

So, Nanase isn't a terrible nurse. She must've been smart enough to pass the licensing exam, but the way she handles herself as a new graduate nurse makes me cringe. If I were her and my co-workers knew of my one-sided crush for this doctor and constantly teased me about it while I was on orientation— I seriously would just quit my job and find somewhere else to work. Also, it kinda bothers me how clumsy she is with patient care; when the elderly lady had to make a comment about how long she was taking with the IV insertion, that's not good. Patients generally don't say anything unless they really see you flustered and struggling, which Nanase probably was.

And let's not get me started on the girl hanging off the ledge. That's an ABSOLUTE never event and I would've gotten fired on the spot if I didn't catch that my patient had suicidal ideations and didn't intervene well beforehand.

Anyway, I'm just nitpicking now. Japan hospital system is not the US hospital system. Story is by-the-numbers workplace romance, and I find it amusing enough to continue reading.