A review by nannyf
The Girl from the Savoy by Hazel Gaynor


This isn't my usual kind of book if I'm totally honest but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Reading about a period in history which I didn't know a lot about had me imagining myself back then, experiencing the things Dolly did.

Dolly is a very complex character, and we only really find that out as the book goes on. Her back story is a sad one, but it's one which a lot of young women experienced in those days.

I love the fact that the ending wasn't quite what I was expecting. Having read a lot of books set nowadays which are very predictable, it was a pleasant surprise to read something which didn't go the way you would expect. But for me the ending was perfect, even though it may not be what other readers would want to happen.

The way the story weaves in so many different characters flawlessly throughout was extremely well done, and the author paints a picture of life in a posh hotel in such a way you can almost see it in your mind as you are reading.

I would recommend this to anyone who loves a good story about times gone past, and those who enjoy a good strong story.

Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing a copy in exchange for an honest review.