A review by novelvisits
At the Edge of the Haight by Katherine Seligman


It’s not often you read a book where the main character is homeless, but in AT THE EDGE OF THE HAIGHT Maddie, 20ish, had made the streets of San Francisco home for a very long time. When she stumbled upon a murder in Golden Gate park, Maddie’s precariously built world, slowly began to crumble. What I appreciated most about Maddie’s story was the homeless perspective. For Maddie, it was normal, even a comfort. Despite the daily struggles, she feared losing herself if she let it go.

At the Edge of the Haight was all Maddie and because of that I think it skewed a little YA. As interesting as her journey was, the story might have been richer with a little more focus on some of the other’s in her world. The parents of the murdered boy played a big role which at times I struggled with, but overall I found this a very solid read.