A review by tien
Time and Chance by Alan Brennert


Richard has made a considerably good name of himself on Broadway and yet, he is alone with a string of failed relationships behind him. When his mum died, he felt more alone than ever and regrets of not being there with him took him on a path he never knew existed...

Rick chose to stay with Debra and now works at a job he disliked but needed for his family's sake. He loves his family but his anger at all the past what-ifs are driving him out of his mind...

These alternate selves swapped lives to see their own what-ifs realised only to find that no matter what, they are still the same person though it took some hard lessons for them to learn.

A fascinating read even if not a unique trope though I realised this was published in 1990 and wondered if it was a first then? While I mostly enjoyed the story and the lesson they learnt, there was one thing I found crucial for which I found no answer...

One character's reflection found that he would never have hit a particular female character and that's fine and good. BUT what about the other female character he actually hit?!