A review by myliteraryshelf
The Fell by Sarah Moss


Kate is self-isolating during the Covid 19 pandemic with her son Matt, but on a dreary November evening her neighbour witnessess her breaking lockdown to walk on the fell. When she doesn't return for dinner, it's clear that something has gone wrong. Hours later, Rob and the rest of his mountain rescue team are out searching the fell for Kate.

Told from four perpectives we get a snapshot of what life was like in England during the pandemic. Shopping for neighbours, dinner dates over video calls and not wearing shoes for days. Moss details the effects of lockdown on Kate's mental health. Her stream of consciousness writing style is superb. As a reader you get right into the character's heads, witness first hand their claustrophobic environments, their declining mental health and their anxieties.

Moss's writing is witty, emotive and so easy to sink into. The Fell is a joy - a time capsule of the pandemic and a celebration of everyday ordinariness.