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A review by theseliterarydelights
The May Queen Murders by Sarah Jude



This is one of those “why did I let negative goodreads reviews prevent me from picking this up for so long?” books. I’m actually quite surprised that this has a relatively low average rating. It’s far from perfect but May Queen Murders is probably one of the most gruesome YA horror novels I’ve ever read and its mystery plot kept me flipping the pages.

I’m rating this a 3.5 as the characters are all incredibly dull and the writing isn’t anything spectacular but the story definitely made up for it. I’ve seen several people say there are too many twists, which don’t all make sense. While I maybe could have done without one or two of them, I don’t feel as any of the twists were implausible. I actually had an inkling about a few of them due to the author’s clues sprinkled throughout the text, which to me marks a competent writer.

If you can handle a lot of animal death and gore, then I’d recommend picking this one up if like me, you enjoy a YA horror novel with some more bite to it.