A review by ifonlyihadcake
And Now You Can Go by Vendela Vida


SpoilerI think this novel does a good job of portraying what human life is like in a (seemingly) purposeful way: erratic and nonsensical. Yet we try to make sense of it anyway. The main character’s actions may seem odd, but, given the fact she almost died and got out of it by reciting poems, I can’t tell you what IS odd. I think making weird decisions is probably the natural outcome given the situation.

The story doesn’t really go anywhere necessarily, though I did enjoy just the day-to-day following the gun incident. The book comes to an actual climax, but this is short lived and only at the very end of the book.

I found this book compelling at parts, but with a (again, seemingly purposeful) lull that takes up a rather meaty portion of the middle. That section feels like it’s in the wrong book.