A review by michael_benavidez
How to Talk to Girls At Parties: The Graphic Novel by Neil Gaiman


I remember reading the original story (having been included in Gaiman's short story collection Fragile Things), but it's kind of a vague remembrance. So when I went into this story, I kind of sort of forgot what happened, and why.
I say this because I can't remember how much of the mystery is left in the original short story vs the comic (or how much the comic gives away vs the short story).
The story is pretty well told through what I'm going to assume is Gaiman's words from the short story (unless they changed it around just enough to make it their own, I'm not too sure). Except for the first half of the story, the storytelling through words take a backseat to the art. The art, while coming off a little eh to me, really drives the story more than anything else. Towards the last half though, it very nearly takes over. In a way I think it could stand tall without any narration. Except the narration in the last half takes on this very beautiful, very amazing swirl of beauty that I feel that this was the reason for adapting it. It meshed so well with the art that were it not for this part, I'd have given it a 4 stars.