A review by beyondevak
The Proud and the Prejudiced: A Modern Twist on Pride and Prejudice by Colette L. Saucier


The Proud and the Prejudiced was a take it or leave it story for me. I liked it, but it was not a love it kind of read, in my opinion. Much of my view comes from the fact that I found the pacing to be a bit slow at the beginning. I had to strongly encourage myself to keep reading and to push through (I did this only because other reviewers all but guaranteed that the story would get better...and it did). I must say, however, that as a reader, I do not want to wait until one hundred pages in to grab hold of the relationship between the protagonists.

I enjoyed reading The Edge of Darkness along with the main story. While I found the dual story approach to be peculiar, to some degree, the two stories did ultimately draw me in.

I found this story to be a rather loose translation of Pride and Prejudice. There were certainly key aspects tucked into the folds of the story which paralleled the original, however, many liberties were taken, some seemingly out of context. I definitely applaud the author for her creativity and for her courage to craft a story such as this.

Rating: 3/5
Recommend: +/-
Audience: Adult
Status: M
Chemistry/Intensity: Yes
Conflict/Drama: Yes
HEA: Yes

A complimentary e-copy of this title was made available for review in exchange for an honest critique. I was not required to submit a positive review. The words I have expressed are my own.